Milestone year for NC GOP

The current frenzy of hyper-political correctness targeting statues, monuments and other images honoring major Confederate figures, including Robert E. Lee and Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson, is fueled in part by an agenda-driven, left-leaning media that craves any opportunity to associate Republicans, especially Southerners, past and present with slavery, bigotry and racism.

This attempted connection is flimsy at best because it is historically inaccurate. It arose simply because Republican President Donald Trump condemned a white supremacist rally (organized in support of preserving a Lee statue) in Charlottesville, VA, in strong terms, while simultaneously condemning violent “antifa” protestors who arrived to disrupt the rally. In no time, statue preservation was re-defined by the media as slavery glorification. Continue reading “Milestone year for NC GOP”

Eclipsing liberty

Rush Limbaugh is perceived by the liberal left as a dangerous figure because his radio audience is vast and multigenerational. Democrat/Socialist politicians firmly believe that average American citizens are complete idiots (exhibit ‘A’ was the infamous admission by MIT economist and Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber that the “stupidity of the American voter” assured Obamacare’s passage). They are convinced that Rush listeners are willing sponges, anxious to absorb whatever he says, and that Trump’s appeal, and victory, was driven by the Limbaugh Effect during the eight-year Obama era.

Conversely, there are substantial numbers of moderate Republicans, centrists and so-called independents (typically Democrats who are label averse) who dismiss Limbaugh as a bombastic entertainer, not someone to be taken seriously. Continue reading “Eclipsing liberty”