The greatest force

By Steve Woodward

Martin Luther King, Jr., a champion of black equality, urged that Americans be judged by “the content of their character”, regardless of skin color or ethnicity.
American history, as well as the history of mankind, has known untold numbers of people who have occupied this planet while demonstrating a complete character void.

In contrast, the great American experiment has revealed the goodness endowed in us by our Creator, and has seen America in a relative blink of an eye become the greatest force for good and redemption the world has ever known.

This is the overarching lesson that every school child should be taught despite the flaws of humanity that have scarred our history. The character that is our foundation always has overcome our shortcomings and sins against God.

Therefore, in the 21st century, we have a duty to oppose those who seek to present America’s history as little more than a story of perpetuated racism and inequality.

If we fail to reject the hijacking of public education curricula by Marxists and Socialists, we will have destroyed education and transformed classrooms into indoctrination centers.

And, sadly, this hijacking is well under way before our eyes.

Channeling C.S. Lewis

By Steve Woodward

Following Nazi Germany’s relentless bombing campaign in 1940 and 1941, Londoners would face many more years of hardship until World War II ended in 1945. There was fear of occupation. There was rationing. And, everywhere, there was destruction.

Through it all, Brits had come to depend on the reassuring counsel of C.S. Lewis, arguably among the most famous writers of the era, first as a novelist and by the 1940s owed to his writings on Christianity. The Irish-born, former atheist was an accidental celebrity to say the least. The Village Chapel’s Pastor John Jacobs, a Lewis expert, says he seemed to appeal to readers across the spectrum of religious allegiances because he wrote about his newfound faith as a lay person, not as a theologian.

In 1941 the British Broadcasting Corporation, through its director of religious broadcasting, asked Lewis if he would agree to deliver brief radio commentaries to its listening audience. He accepted. In the years to follow, the 15 minutes Londoners spent with Lewis on Sunday nights were viewed as sacred; an appointment not to be missed.

The gift Lewis gave to his war-weary citizens was quite the opposite of the inspiring, rhetorical flourishes delivered by Winston Churchill. Lewis made common sense out of Christianity and made it relevant to the vulnerable.

“What’s the sense of saying the enemy is in the wrong,” Lewis said, “unless right is a real thing?”

Here in 2021, do we not repeatedly ask this question, knowing that it is the central question? But I would ask another question first. Do we have a yet undiscovered C.S. Lewis in our midst in the 21st Century in America?

We have Anthony Fauci, a Swamp creature annoyed by all of us because we want to live as free citizens. We have Rush Limbaugh. We as conservatives are blessed to have Rush as our ideological voice but the other side was thrilled by Limbaugh’s lung cancer diagnosis a year ago. We have Franklin Graham, who honors his father’s legacy by delivering God’s love tangibly to the world’s suffering. We have Tucker Carlson, to whom we owe our gratitude for crushing hypocrites and exposing deception at every turn.

But what America desperately needs today is a C.S. Lewis, a scholar who dreaded the scholarly, an author who wrote not for peers but for real people, and who stepped forward as a servant of God at a moment in history when no else could have served as well. Imagine, today, fringe talk show host Bill Maher, a witty, far Left atheist, converting to Christianity. That would be a wake up call.

First, it must be said that Great Britain, in 1941, identified entirely as a Christian nation. In 2021, the U.S. is a Judeo-Christian nation teetering on the brink of becoming a Socialist nation in which religion has long been marginalized and is increasingly persecuted, even despised.

If we have in our midst a C.S. Lewis he will not be invited by the establishment media to come forward to console us. He will emerge at a considerable risk to his livelihood, his security and his reputation.

Perhaps we delude ourselves thinking there is one such person in this social media age. Perhaps the answer to our dilemma is not found in a person but in a chorus.

Cancel socialism

By Bill Demastus

I am a good, hard nosed Republican with conservative views on most issues in America. With that said, there is something happening in our country today that is very concerning, at least to me.

I believe many of our good conservatives have drunk the Kool-Aid and truly believe that we have to be, at least, “concerned” about what played out on January 6 at the Capitol.

It is the “we” that disturbs me.  It was not good conservatives who stormed the Capitol and brought down the wrath of God on our heads.

We conservatives have nothing to be ashamed of, or to feel responsible for.  We were there in January but, when the trouble started, we turned and left the scene.  Just look at the facts of who is being arrested almost daily since the occurrence. It isn’t us. Social media and fake news painted everyone who dared to travel to D.C. with the same insurrection brush.  That does not change the facts. We are not insurrectionists.

Little by little, it is becoming more and more clear that it was, in fact, a well-rehearsed, well-implemented insurrection by individuals not riled up by our President, Donald Trump; but those riled up by issues in America tracing to the 1960s.

During the last 60 years we have become more and more guided by principles totally outside the framework of a Constitutional federal republic.  A system wherein the people elect citizens to represent them, (the people), to uphold Constitutional issues and that which impacts the people.  That’s what this country was founded on and that is what we were, with hic-cups along the way, until the ’60s.

We now vacillate between a Socialist state and a Constitutional republic, depending on which party is in power.  Much to our chagrin, the Socialist state is expanding, no matter which party is in power.

These newly elected Socialists, and they are so far Left, many Communist admittedly so, might well deliver good news because their overreach improves chances that Republicans will regain the House and Senate in two years. Though not guaranteed, it is a good bet.  Why, because, as always, the liberal left now have complete control except for the Supreme Court that refuses, under John Roberts, to engage in “politics.” Even when our elections are subverted.

President Biden’s endeavors from the very first day indicate just how radically they will push an agenda down the throats of Americans. Can we all remember ObamaCare? Seems the Left already has assured tough elections ahead.  Still, they cannot help themselves.  They are like kids in a candy store…or a better comparison may be a drunk in an ABC store.  

Another standard Leftist attitude is their firm belief in “cancel culture”. They are rabid in their belief that everything and everyone that does not follow their agenda need to be taken out.  

Under President Trump’s leadership, the Left spent most of its time going after him. Now that he is gone it isn’t a surprise, with the help of social media and fake news, to have them going after individual Americans.  That is definitely the case for outspoken Trump supporters in our communities: Capt. Emily Grace Rainey; David Hensley; and Sherry-Lynn Womack.  Get ready. Almost anyone who currently supports President Trump’s policies, or him, will find themselves in cross hairs.

So, what do we do?  I believe we should do what good conservative Republicans have always done; nominate and elect strong conservatives in municipal elections in 2021, and great Conservatives who emerge to run for state and federal seats in 2022 and 2024. The journey begins now.

Will those who seek and secure these jobs all be people that agree with all of us who work to get them elected?  No.  And, if they were, they would not be Republicans.  We tend to not agree with each other about a lot of things.  But one thing we should learn from the leftists is to not fight among ourselves.  They stick together to advance their miserable agendas, even at the risk of their own jobs; but it helps them win elections. 

We cannot fight the government; we can fight issues and we can fight against candidates and for candidates, but we can do neither as a fractured party.  This is exactly what the leftists wish us to be, fractured.

Keeping me awake at night is the fact that I was so sure that President Trump would be re-elected because he was GOD’S CHOICE.  I just could not understand how God would permit him to lose to a party that believes in abortion, no God in church, no God in schools; in fact, no God anywhere.  Believe me I have asked my Lord that question over and over during the past several weeks.

Yesterday in church, I think God gave me the answer.  I listened to a very conservative, God-fearing minister explain that, heart breaking as this election loss may be for us, we should, of course, pray for ourselves and for our country.  However, not for what I thought would be the reason, but because of what half of our country believes in and how they live. He says he believes we are just where the Kingdom of Judah found itself. It’s people persisted in their ungodly ways, even after years of God’s prophets warning them to repent. They chose to live otherwise.  Not all of them, just half of them.  But God didn’t just give Nebuchadnezzar half of Judah; he gave him all of it. Thus, all had to pay.

Our minister said he doesn’t mean that we, the believers, should give up or quit fighting issues and policies but it doesn’t mean we should not expect to suffer with those that caused HIS edict.  We have to change the system with prayer and teamwork.  We cannot change it with Sig Sauer or a long knife.  

Stop the finger pointing.  Stop the backbiting.  Fight those who caused this mess. God will be on our side.


“When they had brought these kings to Joshua, he summoned all the men of Israel and said to the army commanders who had come with him, ‘Come here and put your feet on the necks of these kings.’ So they came forward and placed their feet on their necks. Joshua said to them, ‘Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Be strong and courageous. This is what the Lord will do to all the enemies you are going to fight’.” The Holy Bible, Joshua 10:24-25

By Steve Woodward

One the final day of his presidency, Donald Trump evoked the words of great athletes who, win or lose, have no regrets in the end. “We didn’t leave anything on the field,” he said. The Trump-led administration and many of his surrogates fought every day for four years, intending always to win but never deterred by setbacks, rarely discouraged by an unrelenting and corrupt media, its feet on the necks of every Trumpian initiative.

President Trump often warned us that we might get tired of winning, yet never was that a possibility because the victories were never certain and, always, hard fought. And, ultimately, ignored by Trump loathing newspapers and cable channels.

Before the sun set on January 20, 2021, many of those victories that lifted America from the brink of mediocrity, unleashed our economy and our natural urge to innovate, will have been undone by the newly inaugurated 46th President. He has pledged to sign 17 executive orders, each carefully worded to overturn the will of Trump’s Make America Great Again agenda.

This is just the beginning of the emergence of an American political ruling class that is more radical, more driven by Socialist impulses than anything we’ve ever seen. Senile Joe Biden will read the teleprompter but the game plan will be carried out in the shadows.

So, now what? What do we do to keep alive Trump’s spirit? We, as conservatives and Republicans, could do what we almost always do, which is not to fight but to abide, mark time and wait for the next fundraising and door knocking cycles.

Or, we could try a better approach and determine how we summon the bold unity seen in Washington two weeks ago, on January 6, and then re-define how we fight for God and country. Our own party accused President Trump and thousands of American voters of fomenting mob violence in D.C . It was the path of least resistance but cowardly just the same.

Despite what spineless, status quo champion Mitch McConnell insists, the extreme fringe group that orchestrated a breach of the U.S. Capitol, shattering a few windows and frightening our snowflake lawmakers, had nothing to do with Trump’s speeches, or the fighting spirit displayed by fellow citizens who assembled to promote patriotism and unity. In time, those bad actors will be held accountable for a young patriot who was shot to death by a Capitol Hill policeman, and one of his fellow officers who later died after sustaining trauma. These incidents notwithstanding, rising up in Washington was the right thing to do, the only place to be as we found our nation at a dire crossroads.

Meanwhile, Sen. McConnell dismisses you and I as white supremacists, “a mob” that soaks up like a sponge whatever marching orders are dog whistled in our direction. Even the assembled National Guard was thrown under the bus for being too, you know, white and patriotic.

We always will choose to leave violence, destruction and cop hating to Black Lives Matter anarchists and their Marxist leadership. But we have an opportunity to recalibrate our energy and direct it to winning the communications war that Trump fought so well before Twitter decided to go Beijing on him.

How do we pick ourselves upon from the carnage of a manipulated election? First, we never forget that none of this happens absent the Wuhan Virus. We recommit to shining a light of constant scrutiny on the media, beginning with The Pilot, and verbally pummeling any of its ilk who trample the truth. We leverage every new social media platform. We use “old fashioned emails” to friends and, yes, fence-sitters to direct folks to commentary and information, which ultimately is what empowers us. We need hundreds (not two or three) in our ranks doing this, week in and week out. We need young Republicans leading these efforts.

On this, the 40th anniversary of the inauguration of our 40th President, Ronald Reagan, we fix our gaze once again on our shining city on a hill.

To keep it shining, we ramp up our scrutiny of those we have elected, from local bodies to state legislators, to our members of the U.S. Congress. We take a zero-tolerance stance against Republicans who prove to be lightweights or unreliable. We actively recruit new blood from within a blossoming force of young conservatives, such as newly elected Rep. Madison Cawthorn, 25, of western North Carolina.

As we face the grim early days of a revived Obama-era radical Leftist regime, we have no choice but to remind, relentlessly, each and every Republican public servant of the one thing Americans never had to ask President Trump to remember: You work for us. Now, go fight for us.

The content of this post reflects exclusively the opinion of its author.

Live not by lies

By Steve Woodward

The famed dissident Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn urged brave souls living under Soviet tyranny to “live not by lies” before he was sent into exile in 1974.

Tyrannical movements demand the opposite. Accept and embellish the lies. Socialism. Communism. Marxism. Totalitarianism. These faded into oblivion in Eastern Europe and within a crumbled Soviet Union after 1989. But their advocates never became extinct like a species can. The lies never were buried, dead and gone.

Like a gene that mutates, the gospel according to Socialism never evaporated. It lurked like a virus. In 2020, it has been revived in ways its old guard might never have imagined. Socialism is more virulent, even more difficult to contain, than Dr. Anthony Fauci’s Wuhan “virus”.

Under Fauci, and the legions of governors and mayors who have embraced his rhetoric, the lies have become the only way to live. If you deny them, you die. Probably. Maybe. At a rate of .1 percent.

I write from the Florida Keys where, tonight, I watched arriving guests taking in a glorious sunset, masked, in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. They are willing to spend thousands of dollars to be pampered in a resort, yet they do not, will not, push back on the absurdity of the mask. A spa employee had no comeback when I noted that she demanded a mask be worn, by me, during a massage but only when I was face up. “I should have requested a facial instead,” I said. She laughed. Did the hypocrisy actually register within her hijacked brain?

It would encourage me to warn that Socialism is at our doorstep in the United States. But I can’t in good faith say that. Socialism is deep inside, in the church pew, in the school board meeting, in the board of elections, in the examination room where you meet privately with your physician. It is more widespread than than the Chinese Virus.

If you doubt the severity of the moment, read “Live Not By Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents” by Rod Dreher (2020, Sentinel Books).


“Communists justified the imprisonment, ruin, and even the execution of people who stood in the way of Progress as necessary to achieve historical justice over alleged exploiters of privilege. A softer, bloodless form of the same logic is at work in American institutions.”

“The social justice cultists of our day (the mask wearers) are pale imitations of Lenin and his fiery disciples. Aside from the ruthless Antifa faction, they restrict their violence to words and bullying within bourgeois institutional contexts. They prefer to push around college administrators, professors, and white-collar (today, soft-collar) professionals. … Social Justice Warriors get their way not by shedding blood (like Bolsheviks) but by shedding tears.”

“(Karl) Marx likened religion to a drug because it bunted the pain of life for the masses, and in his view, took away from them the consciousness that they had the power to overturn the social order that immigrated them. … This why Christians today must understand that, fundamentally, they aren’t resisting a different politics but rather what is effectively a rival religion.”

The Biden voters did not vote for a man, for a platform, or for “change”. They voted, and their corrupt enablers helped them, “vote” for the religion of social justice. Thus, we must not back down from overturning this hijacked election. Socialism is here, beyond the doorstep. Lock your doors. Open your minds.