Alternative reality

By John Rowerdink

President Joe Biden’s August 31 speech on the Afghanistan withdrawal was ripe with statements requiring further examination.

  1. He says it’s an amazing success but does that comport with what you’ve seen?
  2. Then, in the next breath, he says there was no way to end this in some semblance of an honorable, organized way. It can’t be both an amazing success and an unavoidable mess. Which one have you seen unfold over the last couple of weeks?  Who are you going to believe — Biden or your lying eyes?
  3. He continues to confuse the decision and support for ending the war with the disgusting way he did it. 
  4. He continues to blame President Trump for this mess. Here are two questions about that:
    • With all we know about President Trump, do you think he would let himself be viewed as weak by the rest of the world?
    • Biden reversed all kinds of other decisions Trump made but he left this one in place. So where does that buck stop?
  5. If you see the list of military equipment we left behind, it will make you sick.
  6. How could the president, our diplomats and our military brass be so wrong about the Afghan army’s ability to hold the country for a few years? Did we not work with these people for 20 years?
  7. He said we would get every single American out before we left. Did we do that? No.
  8. We said we would protect the thousands of Afghans who worked with us and get them out if they wanted. Did we do that? No.
  9. We got about 123,000 people out. 5,000 of them were Americans who wanted to leave; 6,000 of them were our troops; and by all accounts, not many of them were the 60,000 Afghans who helped us during the war (give him 12,000 of them). Who were the other 100,000 that we got out and how were they selected? How good was our rushed vetting process? Did we just take whoever the Taliban decided to allow into the airport?  What’s the chance that some of them are terrorists?
  10. We gave the Taliban a list of the Afghans who helped us during the war. What do you suppose they’ll do with that list now that we’re gone?
  11. He says we will still get these people out. Yeah, right.
  12. He talks about our support for women and girls. Go back to Afghanistan in a few months and ask women and girls how they’re doing under the Taliban.
  13. In the days ahead, watch how many of our dollars the Biden administration is going to give the Taliban. So we fight them for 20 years, we then quit and leave them billions of dollars of our military equipment while we plead for them to help us. Then after we’re gone, we send them more taxpayer dollars. How disgusting is that? Is that what he calls an amazing success?
  14. His military advisors wanted him to leave 2,500 troops there to assist the Afghan army, which they had been doing for many months with no loss of American life. The bipartisan Afghanistan Study Group in Congress recommended that we leave troops there. Military testimony to their 2020 report warned that a withdrawal of the remaining 2,500 U.S. service members from Afghanistan would result in “catastrophic consequences for the security and stability of Afghanistan, including the potential resurgence of terrorist organizations that could threaten the U.S. homeland”.
  15. Our NATO allies wanted us to stay and continue to support this NATO mission.
  16. We have 28,000 troops in South Korea more than 60 years after the Korean War, successfully keeping the peace. We have 320,000 troops in Europe more than 70 years after the end of World War II. Was it really so hard to keep 2,500 in Afghanistan? 
  17. But no, Biden wanted zero and this screwed up mess is what we ended up with. 
  18. The President of the United States is living in an alternative reality