Trump rising

The Trump Era meltdown among far left, water carrying members of a once proud profession called journalism has arrived at a critical juncture. They have transformed years long chaos along the United States’ southern border into a humanitarian crisis — perpetuated, they shriek, by a President who believes in enforcing immigration laws already on the books. The nerve!

Sadly, these media drama makers know well that few average citizens have been aware of the hell facing border security officials for many years, dating to the Bush 43 and Obama administrations. It’s more complicated than ever now, with the border runners having been joined by upturns in “families” falsely seeking asylum and child traffickers.

The left has ginned this up because it was running out of fake narratives, and because more Americans have begun to understand that Trump means what he says and gets results. And as his Great Red Tsunami builds toward the fall mid-terms, it not only threatens the presumption of a Blue Wave but simultaneously diminishes Obama’s legacy.

In fact, the June Limbaugh Letter quotes none other than New York magazine observing, “Obama’s Legacy Has Already Been Destroyed”.  Writes Limbaugh, under the headline, Obama’s Vanishing Legacy:

“Amazing what a year and a half under confident, unapologetically pro-American leadership can do to set things right. The impulse to bow has been expunged. No more ‘leading from behind,’ ‘strategic patience,’ or ‘strategic restraint’ on the battlefield. ISIS is being obliterated.  Appeasement has been replaced by strength abroad, prosperity at home.”

But the media’s despair is not limited to Obama’s failure ultimately to transform (undo) our nation. The momentum of Trump’s presidency is adding converts, and that’s really finding many talking pro-left heads ready to detonate.

Writes Mark Alexander, editor of The Patriot Post (, a conservative digital digest, “Some of my politically astute friends, who have always been economic conservatives but political moderates, have gone through something of a metamorphosis.” Turns out, even more surprisingly, it’s not merely a reaction to tax cuts and deregulation.

“My friend explained his newfound enthusiasm for Trump in this context: ‘He dropped a bomb on Washington. He dropped a bomb on the status quo in Congress and its special interests. He dropped a bomb on the regulatory behemoths and their bureaucratic bottlenecks. He dropped a bomb on the trade and national security institutions and alliances that have failed miserably over the last eight years’.”

Alexander further notes that there is “a gradual realization percolating to the surface that, despite the grossly biased caricature of Trump projected by the (mainstream media), and too often corroborated by Trump’s social media handlers, this president might be a lot smarter than the buffoon the Leftmedia insists he is.” In fact, Trump is quite comfortable in his own intellectual skin, and said as much to an adoring rally in Duluth, Minn., earlier in the week.

So as for the critical juncture facing this unhinged Leftmedia, what lies beyond it? We might have seen a preview courtesy of Time magazine’s current cover. It features a manufactured (false, in other words) image of a towering Trump glaring down stoically at a now viral photo of a sobbing toddler. (In the original, un-doctored photo she is accompanied by a mother seeking asylum from Honduras).

Perhaps the sobbing girl is less emblematic of an immigration crisis and more symbolic of what the media has become. Diminished, fully melted down and dwarfed by Trump.


Heaven’s gates in Carthage

Much of political debate is policy debate. Lifelong Republicans go the polls to elect lawmakers who believe in limited federal government, the importance of the institutions of marriage and the family, the sanctity of the Constitution and the rule of law, to name the basic pillars.

But we know all too well that governments and lawmakers can not intervene in every struggle that a citizen or a family will face. Thankfully, Americans are generous and caring. Many work in complete obscurity with faith-based organizations to help those who come to them in desperate need.

One such group are victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking, and here in Moore County these victims find support and hope through Friend to Friend, which provides resources to rebuild lives.

A woman taken in by Friend to Friend described arriving at the Carthage-based facility as an experience similar to passing through “the gates of Heaven.”

Connie Lovell recently had a conversation with FTF’s children’s program coordinator, who devotes her days to interacting with the children of women who’ve escaped abuse. Click here to hear her story and more about the mission of Friend to Friend

Community in Action introduces local agencies that offer assistance that builds opportunity. Spots air at 10:20 a.m. Saturdays on 102.5 FM, and at 12:50 p.m. Saturdays on 550 AM.

Why Trump prevails

While the corrupt corporate media work overtime to convince average Americans that President Donald Trump is fanning the flames of trade wars destined to cripple the economy, Trump merely sticks to his guns, doing what he said he would do as a candidate.

He also said he would consider meeting North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. The media, Democrats (and many Republicans) dismissed that as pure folly. North Korea, with shadow support from China, was hell bent on becoming a nuclear threat and would never consent to talks, the experts said. Trump knows nothing about conducting delicate foreign policy, especially with North Korea, they said.

Coming out of the recent G-7 summit, the media had company issuing dire forecasts in the form of shell-shocked political leaders, most notably the petulant Canadian Premier Justin Trudeau, who expressly disparaged Trump’s stances as “insulting”. Trudeau apparently thought he was attending nothing more than a photo-op while Trump arrived for a showdown.

In a matter of days, the Trump administration has reshaped history. It is dismantling obsolete, unfair trade that heretofore U.S. Presidents and politicians have ignored, even to the detriment of the country, because they feared retaliatory tariffs. Trump does not understand why the United States should approach trade from a position of fear or weakness.

In Singapore, Trump made clear he does not understand why the United States would stand by and allow North Korea to pursue nuclear ambitions that threaten citizens of many countries, including our own. Again, he rejected fear and weakness; fear that North Korea would use a high profile summit to legitimize Kim; weakness in failing previously to have directly threatened North Korea with devastating military strikes.

These developments, already widely derided by the U.S. media and the Left, underscore what some observers always expected out of a Trump presidency. We recently re-visited a salient piece of writing by conservative author and political comedian Evan Sayet, who nearly a year ago in July 2017 expressed why Trump’s unconventional, some would say unrefined and undignified, approach to being president would succeed.

“While (Republicans) were playing by the rules of dignity (George W. Bush), collegiality (John McCain) and propriety (Mitt Romney), the Left has been, for the past 60 years, engaged in a knife fight where the only rules are those of (Socialist godfather) Saul Alinsky and the Chicago mob (that gave us Barack Obama).”

As Democrats in Washington, in state houses and in the courts, have moved further left, Republicans rarely groomed candidates to take them on. There are exceptions such as Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, but they did not become President. Trump did, warts, Twitter rants, ego, and all.

Sayet in his explanation of the Trump phenomenon, and why he emerged at precisely the right moment in history, recalls the dilemma facing President Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War when his lead warrior was the notoriously hard drinking, rough-around-the-edges General Ulysses Grant. Lincoln concluded, despite Grant’s critics, that, “I can not spare this man. He fights.”

Some rightly note our nation has entered a civil cold war pitting a bicoastal Left that wants to remake America by dismantling the Constitution against a Right-leaning populace still convinced of America’s exceptionalism. If we’re not on the brink of civil war, we are nonetheless in the midst of a culture war. Concludes Sayet (writing months before tax reform, trade showdowns and engagement with North Korea):

“Do I wish we lived in a time when our president could be ‘collegial’ and ‘dignified’ and ‘proper’? Of course I do. These aren’t those times. This is war. And it’s a war the Left has been fighting without opposition for the past 50 years.

“So say anything you want about (Trump) — I get it, he can be vulgar, he can be crude, he can be undignified at times. I don’t care. I can’t spare this man. He fights.”


Leakers threaten freedom

By Walter B. Bull Jr.

Leaking confidential governmental information by an unidentified person to a sympathetic member of the news media is an increasingly useful technique to help influence public opinion.

This pathway, however, is a dangerous gamble.

And while short-term results are appealing, both leakers and the enabling free press could set the stage for an overreaction, with the result of a loss of freedom for all.

Sooner or later, an eager beaver driven by personal motives will overreach.

The information could originate within a governmental agency, embellished by a member of the press who allows his preference to impact the translation and enhanced by other reporters who “want” the information to be correct.

The variables are endless, and the impacts are unpredictable.

A journalist who has carefully cultivated his “sources” balances many options in going about his job. Sometimes public interest is low on the totem pole during the process, topped by political goals that have earned the loyalty of the writer.

Often, the work environment has general sympathy with the reporter, his editor and the management of each publication.

robert mueller.v3Without a sympathetic press, the “leak” would not make it into the public domain. (As in the case of the recent leak of a list of questions Special Counsel Robert Mueller desires to ask President Trump). 

The simple fact that news stories based on leaks represent an illegal series of events means that potential overreaction includes internal regulation, criminal prosecution and a serious loss of public confidence in all public media.

Gossip is a human trait, and the public has a willing ear for the stories.

That said, freedom of the press must survive as the founders intended — a public safeguard against corruption, power aggregation, self-dealing and political ambition.

Over time, the leak culture will self-correct in the bright sunlight.

Community builders

Moore County citizens seeking no accolades wake up every day committed to making a difference in the lives of neighbors in need.

Awareness of these people and the organizations they support triggers ongoing volunteerism, which is why the Moore County Republican Party is proud to sponsor local radio vignettes produced by Connie Lovell for Community in Action.

One exceedingly important organization in our community is Habitat for Humanity of the NC Sandhills. Connie recently interviewed its executive director, Amie Fraley, whose involvement with Habitat began when she volunteered. Under Fraley’s leadership, the local Habitat teams build an average of 10 new homes and critically repair 20 homes every year. This Habitat affiliate has built 250 new homes and repaired 104 since 1988. Click below to learn more:

Community in Action introduces local agencies that offer assistance that builds opportunity. Spots air at 10:20 a.m. Saturdays on 102.5 FM, and at 12:50 p.m. Saturdays on 550 AM.